Charitable Legacies

Charitable Legacies

Helping your clients pass on something wonderful: The UK is a charitable nation. We know that 74% of the British public support a charity during their lifetime. The issue is that only 6.3% include their favourite causes in their Will.


By simply mentioning to your clients the option of leaving a gift in their Will after they’ve looked after family and friends, you can help bridge that disconnect and help them continue supporting causes they care about.

Professional advisors play a key role in opening up conversations about legacy giving and answering questions from clients in an independent and informed way. Research shows that even a simple reference to the opportunity of legacy giving, once loved ones have been taken care of, can double the number of bequests made.

There is often a misconception that only wealthy people leave money to charity, but even a small donation can have a massive impact.

About Remember A Charity

Remember A Charity was formed in the year 2000 as a consortium of charities working to encourage more people to leave a legacy donation in their Will. A representative voice for the sector with 200 charity members, the campaign works with Government, the legal profession and employers to help develop the most positive legacy environment, working to the ultimate goal of making legacy giving a social norm. The campaign is hosted by the Institute of Fundraising.

We’re inviting the public to pass on something wonderful by remembering a charity in their Will. By letting your clients know that it’s an option, after looking after family and friends, you can help them to continue supporting the causes they care about.

In Detail

Advice for clients - Pass on something wonderful with a charitable gift in your Will

Has a charity made a difference to you or someone you care about?

Gifts in Wills are vital for charities to continue their important work. In fact, many charities wouldn’t exist without them. Most people, however, simply aren’t aware of this form of giving.

Family and friends first

While the priority is making sure family and friends are taken care of first, a Will can also offer the opportunity to leave a thank-you gift to a favourite charity.

Many of this country’s best-loved charities wouldn’t exist without gifts left in wills by people like you. After taking care of family and friends, leaving even a small gift can achieve big things. And it’s much simpler than you think.

Inheritance Tax benefits

Aside from supporting your favourite charity’s work, there are also financial benefits to leaving part of your estate to charity. The inheritance tax threshold is currently £325,000 – doubling to £650,000 if you have a partner – but leaving money to charity can be a way of reducing how much of your estate ends up with HMRC. Not only will any portion left to charity not count towards the total taxable value of your estate, but if you leave at least 10 per cent of your net estate to charity then you can cut the rate of inheritance tax you pay from 40 per cent to 36 per cent.

A small amount can help make a big difference

Gifts in Wills are a critical source of funding for charitable services across the country, raising more than £3 billion for good causes annually. They fund two out of three guide dogs, 6 out of 10 RNLI lifeboat rescue launches and almost one third of Macmillan’s income, in addition to sustaining an increasing number of smaller and community-based charities.

Even the museums we enjoy are often funded by gifts in Wills, as are many environmental causes which protect the countryside where we go for family walks on a Sunday.

Who to give to

Think about the things that have played a really important part in your life, and the causes and charities that you think are doing particularly great work which should continue and be protected for the future.

You may have a specific charity in mind that you’d like to donate to. Alternatively, the Remember A Charity website allows you to search by location or type of cause from more than 200 charities it collaborates with.


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